(A Pre-Experimental Study at Islamic Junior High School Soebono Mantofani 

A.  Background of Study
English becomes  the most essential  language  in  the world. Almost all  the
people  from many different  countries  around  the world use  it  to  communicate.
The  area  of  English  has  always  become  a  special  interest.  Itís  because  of  the
importance of English in any scope of our lives.

Julian Edge  said:  ìSince British  trade,  followed  by  colonial  and  imperial
expansion,  English  spread  around  the  world.  Then  the military  and  economic
dominance  of  the  United  States  of  America  has  confirmed  English  as  the
international  language  of  present  historical  period. As  a  consequence,  English
serves  for many  times many more  people  as  a  barrier  between  themselves  and
those some fields of interest, many people in their own countries will not be able
to become doctors, for example if they cannot learn enough English.î

In the international relationship, English speaking ability is very important
to  be  able  to  participate  in  the  wider  world  of  work.  The  speaking  skill  is
measured in terms of the ability to carry out a conversation in the language. This
reality makes teachers and parents think that speaking ability should be mastered
by their students and children. 
Based on the reasons above, in recent years, English language teaching has
focused  on  teach  the  English  language  rather  than  teach  about  the  English
language.  The  emphasis  is  not  only  on  linguistic  competence  of  the  language learners but also on  the development of  their communicative ability. In order  to
develop  the  learners'  communicative  ability,  the  teacher  needs  to  create  a
scenario to teach the target language in a vibrant, active and interesting manner. 
In  learning  speaking  skill,  the  students  often  find  some  problems.  The
problem  frequently  found  is  that  their  native  language  causes  them  difficult  to
use  the foreign  language. Other reason  is because of motivation  lack  to practice
the  second  language  in  daily  conversation. They  are  also  too  shy  and  afraid  to
take  part  in  the  conversation.  Many  factors  can  cause  the  problem  of  the
studentsí  speaking  skills  namely  the  studentsí  interest,  the  material,  and  the
media  among  others  including  the  technique  in  teaching  English.  Many
techniques can be applied including role play because many research findings say
that this technique is effective to use in teaching speaking.
Role play  is very  important  in  teaching speaking because  it gives students
an  opportunity  to  practice  communicating  in  different  social  contexts  and  in
different social roles. In addition, it also allows students to be creative and to put
themselves  in  another  personís  place  for  a  while.  According  to  Stephen  D.
Hattings based on his observation  in  the conversation class,  the role play would
seem to be the ideal activity in which students could use their English creatively
and  it  aims  to  stimulate  a  conversation  situation  in which  students might  find themselves  and  give  them  an  opportunity  to  practice  and  develop  their
communication skill.

For  these reasons,  the writer  is  interested  in analyzing  the use of role play
in  teaching  speaking  for  the  students of  the ninth grade  in  Islamic  Junior High
School  Soebono  Mantofani  Jombang-Ciputat,  Tangerang.  She  also  wants  to
know  the advantages and  the problems encountered by  learners and  teachers  in
using it.

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